Restaurants require safe and healthy water for cooking, drinking and cleaning that further results in improved taste of food and satisfied customers. The quality of your restaurant's drinking water and sanitation can significantly improve with the use of purified restaurant water.
Water treatment in restaurants can keep customers happy by providing clean water for drinking and food that cooked with quality water.
In this Frizzlife blog post, we are going to take a look at the different reasons why you should consider using filtered water in restaurants. But before heading towards the details, let us first explain what filtered water actually is.
Also, read our blog post article about Can COVID-19 Spread Through Drinking Water?
What is Filtered Water?
Filtered water is water that has undergone a special filtration process to remove any impurities, contaminants, and other harmful minerals.
Going through the filtration system makes the water healthier, safer, and tasty to drink. The primary purpose of passing the normal through the filtration process is to improve its quality.
Use of Water at Restaurant
In the food service sector, clean water is vital. The majority of the equipment in your restaurant needs clean water to operate appropriately. Restaurant water has a number of important uses, such as:
· Hand Washing.
· Dishwashing
· Floor washing
· Producing Ice
· Equipment cleaning
· Making Coffee
· Steaming food
Why Is Filtering Water Important for Your Restaurant?
Your restaurant's kitchen needs water for a variety of tasks. It is crucial to make sure that your restaurant's water is as clean as possible because providing your customers with clean drinking water and ice can have a significant impact on their experience.
Most water supplies all across the US contain naturally occurring contaminants such as minerals, chemicals, and sediment. Even invisible pollutants can produce an unappealing taste or odor. Some of these contaminants can be seen with the unaided eye.
These impurities can encourage the growth of bacteria in your kitchen and dining spaces, as well as leave scale on appliances like dishwashers, steamers, ice makers, and coffee pots.
In order to prevent these contaminants from harming your food, drinks, and equipment, filtering the water at your restaurant can remove them. Water filters can also be used to maximize efficiency, avoid damage, and enhance the performance of many different types of kitchen equipment.
Reasons Why One Should Start Using Filtered Water in the Restaurant
Although, there can be a long list of reasons that can prove why everyone should start using filtered water instead normal water. But below we have discussed the most valid ones.
Improved Taste of Restaurant items:
Using filtered can significantly improve the overall taste and quality of the food items offered by the restaurant. Since it is free of impurities and bad minerals like Chlorine, Zinc, and other minerals that can damage the overall taste of cooked meals.
Maximum Safety:
Apart from improving the taste of cooked food, using filtered water in the restaurant can also maximize safety. As filtered water is free from bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. This will further help the restaurant owner to protect the safety of both its employees and customers.
Filtered water is a more versatile option as compared to normal/tap water for restaurant owners. They can use it for numerous purposes, such as cooking, coffee, tea, and drinking water.
Less Expensive Option:
Investing in a quality water filtration system for filtered water is a more cost-effective option as compared to bottled water. As filtration systems require less maintenance and are more environmentally friendly than bottled water.
Maximum Customer Satisfaction:
For restaurants, customer satisfaction is the top most priority. By utilizing filtered water, restaurants can serve their customers with the best quality food and beverage. This will further enhance the customer’s dining experience.
Different Water Filtration Systems that Restaurants Owners Can Use
There are four different types of water filtration systems. Each type has its own unique features and characteristics.
1. Carbon Filter System:
In these point-of-entry systems, carbon material absorbs pollutants from the water as it flows through. Lead, printed circuit boards, chlorine byproducts, some parasites, radon, pesticides, herbicides, specific petrol additives, solvents for dry cleaning, some levels of bacteria, and residues of medications are typically removed.
2. RO Filters:
RO filters force water through a semipermeable membrane that serves as an incredibly tiny filter. One of the best benefits of using RO filters for restaurants is that, these have the ability eliminate every impurity, chemical, and harmful minerals that other may overlook.
These systems have the drawback of wasting more water during the filtering process (4 to 9 gallons are lost for every gallon that is filtered).
3. Ultraviolet Lights (UV Lights):
These devices purify water by using Ultraviolet radiation to kill germs. They are suggested for use in conjunction with carbon filters to aid in the removal of other solid pollutants and are frequently employed as a pre-treatment alternative or a polishing stage in the filtration process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it a good option to start using filtered water for restaurants?
Yes! It is a good option to start using filtered water for restaurant tasks such as cooking and drinking. Filtered water is a healthier, safer, versatile, and cost-effective option as compared to both tap and bottled water.
Can a water filtration system able to fulfill the water requirements of a restaurant?
Yes, a water filtration system can easily handle the water requirements of restaurants. However, you need to opt for one that offers maximum flow rate and storage capacity according to your eating house.
How often do restaurant water filters need maintenance?
The answer to this question depends on the type of filtration system you’re using and its manufacturer’s guidelines. Usually, most water filters need maintenance at least once a year.
Generally, the maintenance of filters includes replacing the filter and looking for leaks.
Using filtered water for restaurants is a good option for a number of reasons. It is healthier, tasty, affordable, and environmental friendly. In the article above, we have explained these reasons in detail and many more useful information.