Is tap Water Safe for Plants

Is tap Water Safe for Plants

Robin Collins |

If you have ever looked for watering the plant advice, then you will know many people tell you that you have to use filtered or tap water. And we all know filtered water is 100% safe for humans, pets, and plants also. But when it comes to tap water, there are many questions and concerns, because it comes with various harmful contaminants.

So, in this frizzlife guide – we are going to discuss whether using tap water to water your plants is good or not? We will also discuss why you should or shouldn’t use tap water, and alternatives to tap water.

So, without wasting any time let’s get started.

Tap Water:

Tap water, especially in the United States contains several harmful contaminants that are bad for you and your plants. Tap water contains contaminants like chlorine, lead, and pathogens. These contaminants can cause harm to your plants when you are regularly watering the plants with contaminated water.

Also, read our detailed guide about Is Tap Water Bad For You & Your Health

Besides, these harmful contaminants – the temperature of the water also play an essential role in gardening. If you water the plants with too cold water, it can damage the roots. On the other hand, if you water the plants with too hot water, then this can harm leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to use water at will normal temperature.

How To Make Tap Water Safe For Plants

There are many ways to make tap water safe for plants, filtering it and boiling it are the easiest ways to get things done.


This is the easiest method to make tap water safe & healthy. Boiling tap water not only tackles hard water but also eliminates harmful contaminants from it.

If you have plenty of plants in your house/apartment, then boiling tap water in a large kettle will do the job for you. But it would be good if you boil the water until you notice the limestone clinging to the bottom and sides of the kettle.

Cool Tap Water Before Watering Plants:

You should always cool the tap water after boiling. As we already mentioned above, too cold or too hot water can cause harm to plants. Therefore, after boiling – sit aside and wait for the water to cool down to normal temperature.

Use A Water Filter:

To make your tap water safe & healthy, you can use a water filter. There are different types of water filters available in the market to purify tap water. Water filters remove harmful contaminants from the tap water.

Reverse Osmosis:

Reverse osmosis water filtration is the most-trusted method to make tap water safe and contaminant free. It is an effective process of water filtration cleaning out chlorine, lead, and other toxic contaminants from tap water.

Harmful Effects of Using Tap Water To water plants

If you've ever had a houseplant that died for no apparent reason, you may have been using tap water to water it. While plants need water to survive, the type of water you use can make a big difference in their health. Here are some of the effects of using tap water to water plants:

1. Tap water contains chlorine, which can be harmful to plants. Chlorine can damage plant leaves and cause them to turn yellow or brown. It can also kill helpful soil microbes that help plants absorb nutrients.

2. Tap water also contains minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can build up in the soil and make it difficult for plants to absorb nutrients.

3. Finally, tap water can contain high levels of fluoride, which can damage the roots of plants.

Is it safe to use tap water for watering plants?

This is the most commonly asked question with a somewhat complicated answer. On one hand, plants need water to survive and thrive, so using tap water is better than no water at all.

However, there are also some potential risks associated with using tap water for plants. chlorine and other chemicals that are added to public water supplies can be harmful to plants. If your tap water is chlorinated, it is best to let it sit for 24 hours before using it to water plants. This will give the chlorine time to evaporate.

Another concern with using tap water for plants is the build-up of minerals in the water. Over time, these minerals can accumulate in the soil and make it difficult for plants to absorb water and nutrients. If you live in an area with hard water, it is best to use filtered or distilled water for your plants.

In general, it is best to use the best quality water possible for watering plants. This means using filtered, distilled, or rainwater when possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use tap water for watering plants?

Yes, you can use tap water for watering plants. However, it is important to remember that the quality of the water can vary depending on your location. If you are concerned about the quality of the water, you can always contact your local water provider for more information.

What are the drawbacks of using tap water for watering plants?

The chlorine in tap water can sometimes be harmful to plants, and fluoridation can also have negative effects. Additionally, the quality of tap water can vary depending on your location, so it is important to be aware of this before using it on your plants.

What about using rainwater for watering plants?

Rainwater is also safe for watering plants, and it is actually the best type of water to use for watering plants. Rainwater does not contain any minerals or impurities, so it will not harm your plants.

Final Words:

Whether or not to use tap water to water your plants is a personal decision. Although, there are several pros and cons to using tap water. However, in most cases, using tap water will not kill your plants. If you are concerned about the chemicals in tap water, you can adopt different methods to remove these chemicals.