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Can You Be Allergic to Tap Water

Can You Be Allergic to Tap Water

Alice L |

According to medical experts, allergies are common responses from the immune system and usually do not cause any serious harm to most people. Humans can be allergic to various substances such as sediment, pets, certain foods, or even tap water.

Tap water and its relation to allergy might seem unusual to you. You may be thinking about how someone can feel allergic while getting in touch with tap water. Let us tell you that it is quite rare but still possible.

In this blog post, we are going to discuss every bit of detail you need to know about this, so stick around with us till the end.

Also, read our blog post about Does Drinking Tap Water Result in Dehydration?

Can You Be Allergic to Tap Water?

Yes; some of you might be allergic to tap water. This is a rare condition known as “aquagenic urticaria (AU).” The person who is suffering from this condition will feel itches, swelling, or redness on the skin whenever he/she interacts with tap water.

Moreover, tap water is also usually polluted with certain contaminants, especially chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, and many others. So, if you are allergic to any of these impurities, then consuming or getting in touch with tap water that is polluted with them can make you feel allergic.

So, these are some of the causes that can make you feel allergic to tap water. Now, you may be wondering how you can know that you are allergic to tap water. The answer to this is discussed in the section below.

Some Symptoms of Tap Water Allergy

Below, we have discussed some of the most common symptoms of allergy that occur when interacting with regular or tap water.

· Skin issues or reactions: When you are allergic to tap water, you will experience itching, redness, swelling, eczema, hives, etc, shortly after getting in touch with tap water.

· Respiratory issues: Some individuals may experience respiratory issues due to tap allergy. The common symptoms include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and many more.

· Digestive issues: When you are allergic to tap water, your body may also face digestive issues such as stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, and many more issues like these.

If you are also experiencing any of the symptoms just after interacting with tap water, it should be important to get a consultation from a medical expert. Not taking the above-mentioned health issue seriously can be really dangerous…so BE CAREFUL!

Diagnosis Process of Tap Water Allergy

Below, we have discussed how you can efficiently diagnose the process of tap water allergy.

1. Skin Prick:

This is the most commonly used method to diagnose different kinds of allergies. It involves exposing a small amount of tap water to the skin using a prick or a scratch. If a reaction such as redness, itching, or smelling occurs within 15-20 minutes after this exposure, then this is a clear indication that the person is allergic to tap water.

Useful Tip: It would be good to measure the overall size of the reaction. Doing so will give you an idea about the extent of the allergy.

2. Through Blood Tests:

Some specific such as IgE blood test can efficiently help you identify certain allergic reactions to the substances that are usually present in tap water. The test will help you to accurately measure the levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in the blood that can contribute to allergies.

By testing the IgE for antibodies related to tap water contaminants, medical or health experts can efficiently determine whether the person is allergic to tap water or not.

3. Pay Attention to Medical History:

This is something that really needs to be taken into consideration before diagnosing tap water allergy. Doctors should closely review the medical history to get familiar with the essential information about allergic reactions, their overall extent, and other details.

Apart from this, they should also ask the patient about their experience with tap water allergy so that they can then proceed with the treatment efficiently.

So, these are some things that are necessary for diagnosing tap water allergy.

How to Prevent Yourself From Tap Water Allergy

So, if you are tap water allergic or are suffering from it, then you can consider paying attention to the given information below. You can call them ways, techniques, methods, or any other things; their importance and effectiveness will remain the same.

1. Use a Water Filter System:

You can consider installing a water filtration system in your home. The system will efficiently treat your home’s tap water in order to remove all kinds of contaminants and impurities from it.

So, when the tap water becomes completely safe and clean, there is almost no chance that it can result in allergy.

2. Avoid Tap Water as Much as Possible:

This is obvious; in order to prevent yourself from tap water allergy, you should avoid tap water as much as you can. Do not swim in water pools that are filled with regular water. Additionally, avoid taking long showers.

When it comes to drinking, opt for other types of water such as filtered water, mineral water, well water, and many more. But Not Tap Water.

3. Make Use of Medications Specified By The Doctor:

There are also a number of effective medications available that help in the treatment of tap water allergy. However, it is important to note that you should not use medications on your own. Instead, you should consult with a doctor first to avoid issues.

So, these are some things or ways that you can try to prevent yourself from being affected by the tap water allergy.

Let’s Wrap Up Things

It is quite rare but possible that some people may feel allergic to tap water. This can be due to the contaminants and impurities that tap water usually contains. In this blog post, we have tried our best to cover every essential detail about this rare type of allergy, hope you will find this article helpful!