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Whole House Water Filtration System: Enjoy Clean Water

whole house water filtration system

Steven C |

A whole house water filtration system is connected to the main water supply line of your home to filter all the water used in the house. This is for drinking, cooking, bathing, doing laundry and other activities in the house.

Chlorine, iron, sulfur, sediment and many other impurities are removed by whole house water filtration systems to improve the taste, odor and safety of the water. The purification process is usually multi-stage, for instance, the pre-filter, activated carbon filter and post-filter are used to make sure that the water is thoroughly cleaned. More stage include, ion exchange for salt based systems and reverse osmosis for more complex water. The water is then re-mineralized in a final stage to give it a neutral taste. The water is then stored in a tank and fed to the house when needed through a tasting post-filter.

It also assists in not accumulating dirt, rust, clay and sand and other similar particles which can cause blockages and damage to the pipes. Some of the whole house water filtration systems are fitted with UV to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.

In fact, a good whole house water filtration system will save you money on repairs and replacements of appliances. Point of use filters are installed on specific taps and therefore only the water from that tap is filtered, whereas whole house systems provide filtered water to the whole house.

Therefore, it is recommended to have a whole house water filtration system installed to ensure that clean and safe water is used in your household.

whole house water filtration system

The Role of a Whole House Water Filter

It is important to have a whole house water filtration system in place to guarantee that the water used in your home is safe for drinking, cooking and other domestic uses. It is particularly significant to have a whole house water filtration system in houses that are on well water system because well water is more likely to be contaminated with dirt and other sediments. Water filtration systems designed for use in the whole house come in different forms and work to make sure that all the water used in the house is clean.

A whole house sediment filter traps particles such as dirt and rust to provide cleaner water and to prevent damage to the plumbing and other appliances. Also, a whole house water softener removes mineral ions that can cause scaling and staining and will also help to extend the life of your plumbing and appliances. For instance, for those who are concerned about heavy metals, a whole house water filtration system with higher purification technology can remove lead and other impurities like VOCs, hydrogen sulfide, and chloramines. Not only does a whole house water filtration system benefit your home and appliances, it also has health benefits.

Chlorine is water conditioner that is used by many water supply authorities and can cause dryness to the skin and hair. A whole house water filtration system reduces the level of chlorine and in turn helps to prevent dryness and irritation of skin and hair when using water from the system. Also, a whole house water filtration system makes the water around the house better, and this means that there is less need to purchase bottled water and this is energy saving.

The Multi-Level Water Needs in a Household

Water is used in our homes for many reasons, including drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning. This is because a whole house water filtration system takes into consideration these various uses and provides clean and safe water for all the applications. For instance, whole house filters can remove up to 97% of chlorine, a substance that when vaporized in shower steam can harm the indoor air quality. This reduces the chlorine levels to improve both the quality of the air we breathe and the health of our skin and hair.

Whole house filtration systems ensure that all the faucets in your home deliver clean and filtered water, and this makes water usage around the house more effective and better. Although the expense of a whole house filtration system is high in the beginning, the advantages are good in the long run. They are made to handle large water volumes, which makes them suitable for larger households. Some of them has additional features like UV filters which eliminate 99.99% of bacteria and viruses and 99% of cysts.

Such systems are beneficial for well water users but are also useful for municipal water consumers who want to enhance both the flavor and security of the water. Whole house filters also reduce chlorine which can ruin appliances and decrease their service life. It also prevents scale formation to further protect your plumbing systems and appliances. In the long run, a whole house water filter system can be more economical as compared to using several under-sink or countertop filters.

best whole house water filtration system

Frizzlife’s Deep Purification Solutions

A whole house water purification system is the first line of defense for your home’s water use, it extends the life of your pipes and appliances by removing sand, rust and other large solids from the water before it can reach them. But to the family, the whole house water purification system does not mean that they need to buy purified water from the store to drink. This is because a whole house water filtration system is designed to deal with water while drinking water has to be of much higher quality. This is where Frizzlife’s RO reverse osmosis systems, and under counter water purifiers come in handy.

Exceeding basic purification needs, our products work to fully decontaminate water, capturing heavy metals, bacteria and viruses, so only pure and safe water is available for you and your family to drink. When used with a whole house water purification system, Frizzlife products will give you an overall water purification solution to protect your family’s health from the water you use to the water you drink.

Health Benefits of Deep Purification

The systems are very effective at removing contaminants from the water. The filters target and remove chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria and other harmful substances making the water you drink in your home safer and healthier. Plus, many users love the effectiveness and reliability of Frizzlife’s filtration solutions. This is a high performance system that ensures you only get pure water without any pollutants.

Frizzlife’s Reverse Osmosis Systems

Among the systems on the market Frizzlife’s Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems are some of the best and the most effective. These systems remove more than 1,000 contaminants, including heavy metals and chemicals. The Frizzlife Tankless Reverse Osmosis System is particularly noteworthy. This system can process up to 600 gallons of water in one day and can fill a cup in just 10 seconds, making it very efficient. It is designed to consume less water than traditional systems, which is great for the environment and your wallet as well.

Frizzlife WB99 Countertop Reverse Osmosis System

water filter for home

The Frizzlife WB99-C Countertop Reverse Osmosis System produces extremely pure water with 0.0001-micron filtration, purifying water of 1,000+ contaminants including chlorine, fluoride, lead, arsenic and TDS to 0.99%. The SC90 alkaline filter is a little feature that sits on the top of the water pitcher and helps to balance the pH of water you are drinking.

With four dispensing modes and 4.5L removable tank, it is suitable for both home and office use. It has a smart touch panel that offers real time TDS, filter life and water quality information. The portable pitcher adds convenience, while plug and play setup makes it easy to use. There is no need to call an expert to come and install it for you, all you have to do is plug it in and you can have fresh tasting water right away!

Frizzlife RO Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System - 1200 GPD Fast Flow Under Sink RO Water Filter

whole home water purification systems

Fast water flow from the Frizzlife PD1200 Under Sink Reverse Osmosis System provides 1200 GPD which fills a 330ml cup in just 5 seconds. The 11-stage filtration system with 0.0001-micron filters achieves 99.99% contamination removal of substances like chlorine, fluoride, lead, PFAS and TDS. Traditional RO systems can't compare to this system's 3:1 pure-to-drain ratio which delivers an unprecedented 1200% more water savings. The tankless operation stops secondary water contamination while freeing up 70% more under-sink space. The smart faucet delivers real-time TDS monitoring and the easy tool-free filter replacement makes maintenance a breeze. Simple DIY installation brings pure fresh water right when you need it in just 30 minutes!


It is important to have a whole house water filter in order to improve the health and efficiency of your home. It is important to make sure that all of the water you use is clean and safe for use because it is used for so many tasks. With a whole house water filter system you can have peace of mind knowing that your water will be contaminant free and this will improve the quality of life at your home.

Companies such as Frizzlife provide customized solutions to your home’s water needs, from whole house filtration systems to under sink filters. It is important to stick to a routine of checking and maintenance of your system to make sure that it keeps on working to provide you with clean water.

At first, the cost and space needs of a whole house water filter may appear to be a problem, but they are far outweighed by the benefits of this product. You will get clean water, better skin and hair, extended plumbing and appliances, and less need to buy bottled water, while also protecting the environment.


1. What is a whole house water filter?

The main water line entering your home is where a whole house water filter is installed. All the water in your home, drink, cook and bathe in is filtered by these systems. These systems remove contaminants like chlorine, iron, sediment and more leaving clean safe water for your household to use.

2. How does a whole house water filtration system work?

They are three stage systems, with pre-filter, activated carbon filter, and post-filter, and each stage targets different contaminants to give filtration.

3. What contaminants does a whole house water filter remove?

A large number of impurities, such as chlorine, iron, sulfur, and sediment, are removed by whole house filters. It also makes the water taste and smell better and safer to drink.

4. Why should we consider installing a whole house water filtration system?

It is important to have a whole house filter installed so that all the water in your home is pure and safe for use. It gives protection against contaminants and prevents corrosion of pipes, damage of appliances, and other problems like dry skin or hair from chlorine exposure.

5. How does a whole house water filter impact our daily water usage?

A whole house filter will give you clean water for every use in and around your house, eat, drink, bath, etc. It increases your daily water usage, therefore, the quality of water used for every purpose.